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Join Us for an Online Gathering

Here is the monthly rhythm of our Sundays at Ruah.


First Sunday – Root -- Stillness; 10:30 a.m.

Second Sunday – Trunk – Study; 7:00 p.m.

Third Sunday – Branches – Expressions of Creation/Earth spirituality; 10:30 a.m.


“Root Sunday” – for deepened groundedness in the body of Earth

First Sundays of the month offer shared space for getting grounded through meditative forms that develop depth of presence.


We experience the power of presence when, centred in the great cosmic mystery, we take a stance outside ourselves as servants of our consumer-driven culture, at liberty from being servants of our consumer-driven culture.


 “Trunk Sunday” – for strengthened understanding of the universe, Earth centred spirituality and the practice of non-dualistic thinking

Second Sundays are study sessions based on a theme chosen by the community. Reading, viewing and listening to recommended material activates thinking, reasoning and feeling; and challenges us to grow in understanding of our planetary role.


We are currently reading David Abram’s Becoming Animal. A well-crafted study guide helps to focus our thinking through the month and a juicy question shapes the once-a-month online discussion.


“Branches Sunday” – for creatively expressing a shared Earth spirituality


Branches Sunday is generally the third Sunday of the month.  On this Sunday, we use a themed ritual form with prayer, song, dance, and reflection. For examples of Branches Sundays, click here.

Where are we going?

The Ruah community understands the power of collaboration.  We are open to other communities of faith, cultural organizations, and eco-activist groups to seek opportunities to create together.  We are inspired when we hear cosmologist Brian Swimme point to the vast potential of the emergence of planetary mind, or a collective brain that could lead to the wellbeing of the earth community.  See his video The Human Energy Project. What might Ruah’s role in this emergence be?

Copyright 2022 by Ruah.

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