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Gatherings (continued)

Most months, our Branches Sundays are gatherings that include prayers, songs, readings, sometimes dancing, a reflection by a member of the community or a shared reflection by all of the community.  Each gathering is unique.  Here are some examples.


Poems and Plants - a walk through a member's gorgeous garden to meditate on flowers in season accompanied by a poem to honour each plant's life. 

Dancing on the Threshold - using simple, accessible dance movements and beautiful music we danced in the joy and uncertainty of emerging spring

Nature in Costa Rica - a lush visual representation of the natural world in Costa Rica and the positive ecological example of that country's journey toward sustainability.

Brunch Celebration - inspired by Judy Chicago's dinner party, three Ruah members brought the biography of a person who teaches us about human/earth relationships. This year we heard about David Abram, Margaret Atwood and Miriam McGillis.

In past years, there have been four core gatherings to which friends and family were warmly invited.

  1. September: The Cosmic Walk - a spiral walk that names key points of evolution from the initial flaring forth to now

  2. December: Birthing the Divine – through readings, Christmas carols, dance and prayer we celebrate the mystery of Divine birth in human and celestial form

  3. April: Earth Day – a gathering to honour Earth and all creation

  4. June:  Pride Sunday – marks Pride Week in Toronto and brings forward both causes for celebration and lament for LGBTQ rights.

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